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31 Tea Drinking Pros and Cons

The role of tea on human health is indisputable, but there are different requirements for different people, so people with poor health should be cautious about drinking tea. The main can be summarized in 31 articles, as follows:

  1. Fever avoid drinking tea.
    Tea caffeine can not only make the body temperature rise, but also reduce the effectiveness of drugs.
  2. Liver patients avoid drinking tea.
    Tea caffeine and other substances in the vast majority of the liver metabolism, if the liver is sick, drink too much tea more than the liver metabolism, it will be detrimental to the liver tissue.
  3. Nervous breakdown caution tea.
    Caffeine in tea has the role of excitation of the nerve center, neurasthenia drinking strong tea, especially in the afternoon and evening, will cause insomnia, aggravate the condition, can be in the morning and afternoon during the day to drink tea, in the morning may wish to drink flower tea, green tea in the afternoon, the evening does not drink tea. In this way, the patient will be refreshed during the day, the night quiet comfort, you can go to sleep earlier.
  4. Pregnant women avoid drinking tea, especially should not drink strong tea.
    Tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols, caffeine, etc., the growth of the fetus in the mother’s womb has many unfavorable factors, in order to make the normal development of fetal intelligence, to avoid excessive stimulation of caffeine on the fetus, pregnant women should drink less or not drink tea.
  5. Women should not drink strong tea during lactation.
    If you drink strong tea during breastfeeding, too much caffeine will enter the milk, and children will be indirectly excited after sucking the milk, which will easily cause less sleep and more crying.
  6. Ulcer patients should not drink tea.
    Tea is a kind of gastric acid secretion stimulant, drinking tea can cause gastric acid secretion increase, increase the stimulation of the ulcer surface, often drink strong tea will promote the deterioration of the condition. However, for mild patients, you can drink some light tea 2 hours after taking medication, black tea with sugar, black tea with milk helps anti-inflammatory and gastric mucosa protection, ulcers also have a certain effect. Drinking tea can also block the synthesis of nitroso compounds in the body, to prevent precancerous mutations.
  7. Malnutrition avoid drinking tea.
    Tea has the function of fat decomposition, malnutrition, and then drink tea to decompose fat, will make the nutrition more poor.
  8. Drunkenness should not drink tea.
    Tea has the role of excitation of the nerve center, drunkenness after drinking strong tea will increase the burden on the heart. Drinking tea will also accelerate the diuretic effect, so that the toxic aldehydes in alcohol are not yet decomposed from the kidneys, the kidneys have a greater irritation and jeopardize health. Therefore, the heart and kidney disease or poor function of people, do not drink tea, especially can not drink a lot of strong tea; for healthy people, you can drink a small amount of strong tea, to be sober, can be used to eat a lot of fruits, or small mouth drinking vinegar and other methods to speed up the body’s metabolic rate, so that the intoxication relief.
  9. Be cautious of taking medicine with tea.
    There are many kinds of medicines with different properties, and it is not possible to generalize whether tea can be used to take medicines. Tea tannin, theophylline, and some drugs can be chemical changes, thus, in taking hypnotic, sedative drugs and take iron tonic drugs, enzyme drugs, protein-containing drugs, because the tea polyphenol easy to interact with iron and produce precipitation, should not be used tea to send the drug to prevent the impact on the efficacy of the drug. Some herbs such as ephedra, hooker, Huanglian, etc. should not be mixed with tea, it is generally believed that the medication within 2 hours should not drink tea. While taking certain vitamin drugs, tea has no effect on the efficacy of the tea, because the tea polyphenols in tea can promote the accumulation and absorption of vitamin C in the body, at the same time, the tea itself contains a variety of vitamins, tea itself is also excitatory, diuretic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic and other efficacy of the human body can enhance the efficacy of the medicine to restore health is also favorable. In addition, in the folk often think that taking ginseng and antler and other tonic medicine, should not drink tea, there is also some reason.
  10. Anemia patients avoid drinking tea.
    Tea tannins can be combined with iron into an insoluble end product, so that the body does not get enough sources of iron, so anemia patients should not drink tea.
  11. Urinary stones patients avoid drinking tea.
    Urinary stones are usually calcium oxalate stones, because tea contains oxalic acid, will be excreted with the urine of calcium and the formation of stones, if patients with urinary stones and then drink a lot of tea, will aggravate the condition.
  12. Avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach.
    Drinking tea on an empty stomach will dilute gastric acid, but also inhibit gastric secretion, impede digestion, and even cause palpitations, headache, stomach upset, blurred vision, upset and other “tea intoxication” phenomenon, and affects the absorption of proteins, but also cause gastric mucositis. If “tea intoxication” occurs, you can mouth candy or drink some sugar water can be relieved.
  13. Avoid drinking a lot of tea before and after meals.
    About 20 minutes before and after the meal should not drink tea, if you drink tea, will dilute the gastric juice, affecting food digestion, and because the tea contains oxalic acid, oxalic acid and food in the iron and protein reaction, affecting the human body on the absorption of iron and protein.
  14. Avoid drinking tea before bedtime.
    Best not to drink tea within 2 hours before bedtime, drinking tea will make the spirit of excitement, affect sleep, and even insomnia, especially the newly picked green tea, drinking, the nerves are very easy to be excited, resulting in insomnia.
  15. Avoid drinking overnight tea.
    Drinking tea to bubble drink is good, tea put for a long time, not only will lose vitamins and other nutrients, and easy to rancid deterioration, drink easy to get sick.
  16. Avoid drinking the first tea.
    Because modern tea in the process of planting, processing, packaging will inevitably be subject to pesticides, fertilizers, dust and other material pollution. The first tea is actually wash tea water, should be as soon as possible to out and then rushed into the water, so that the tea is the most hygienic tea.
  17. Avoid drinking poor quality tea or spoiled tea.
    Tea is not easy to properly store, easy to absorb moisture and mold, and some people out of the love of tea savings, can not afford to discard the tea has mold. Deteriorated tea contains a large number of harmful substances and germs, is absolutely not drinkable. High-quality tea after brewing if left too long, the tea will also be oxidized and microbial reproduction and deterioration, so the tea can not be consumed again.
  18. Children should not drink strong tea.
    Because when the tea concentration is large, the content of tea polyphenols is too much, easy to interact with the iron in the food, not conducive to iron absorption, easy to cause iron deficiency anemia in children. Children can drink some light tea in moderation (one-third of the concentration of tea for adults). For preschool children can drink some crude tea, because crude tea in the tea polyphenol content is low.
  19. Patients with coronary heart disease should drink tea with caution.
    For people with coronary heart disease whose heart rate is too fast, premature beats or atrial fibrillation, because the caffeine and theophylline in tea are stimulants, which can enhance the function of the heart, drinking a lot of strong tea will make the heart beat faster, which often leads to the onset of their disease or aggravate their condition, so this kind of people can only drink some light tea; on the contrary, the heart rate is generally under 60 beats per minute, patients should drink more tea, which is not only harmless, but also improves the heart rate, and it has a role of cooperation with the The role of drug treatment.
  20. The elderly should not drink raw tea.
    The so-called raw tea refers to the direct drying of baked green tea without kneading after killing. The appearance of this tea is natural green and green, the internal composition and the compounds contained in the fresh leaves are basically the same, the low boiling point of aldehydes and alcohol compounds conversion and volatilization is not much, and the aroma is serious with the raw green gas. Elderly people drink this kind of green tea, the gastric mucosa irritation is very strong, easy to produce stomach pain after drinking; young people will also feel upset stomach after drinking, that is usually referred to as “scraping the stomach”. Mistakenly purchased this raw tea, it is best not to drink directly, can be placed in a non-greasy iron pot, slowly frying with the fire, baked to raw green gas, to produce a mild chestnut aroma can be consumed.
  21. Hypertensive patients should not drink strong tea.
    The first bubble of tea with less than 50 milliliters of boiling water per gram of “strong tea”. If hypertensive patients drink too much strong tea, due to the caffeine excitation will trigger blood pressure rise, is not conducive to health.
  22. Diabetic patients should drink more tea.
    Diabetic patients are characterized by high blood sugar, dry mouth and thirst, physical weakness. Drinking tea can effectively lower blood sugar, thirst, and enhance the effectiveness of physical strength. Patients are generally recommended to drink green tea, the amount of tea can be increased slightly, several times a day, drinking tea at the same time, you can also eat some pumpkin seeds or pumpkin food, has the effect of increasing the efficiency.
  23. In the morning after waking up immediately drink light tea.
    Because after a day and night of metabolism, the human body consumes a lot of water, blood concentration. Drink a cup of light tea, not only can replenish water but also can dilute blood, lower blood pressure. Especially the elderly, drink a cup of light tea water immediately after waking up, health benefits, drinking light tea water is to prevent damage to the gastric mucosa.
  24. Drink more tea when you have diarrhea.
    Diarrhea is very easy to make people dehydrated, fingerprint indentation, drink some stronger tea, tea polyphenols can stimulate the gastric mucosa, the absorption of water faster than simply drinking water, can soon give the human body to replenish water, while tea polyphenols have the role of antiseptic dysentery.
  25. Eat greasy food should drink tea.
    Most of the greasy food is rich in lipids or proteins, its emptying time in the stomach is longer, generally about 4 hours, so it is not easy to feel hungry after eating. Food in the stomach for too long, will produce a sense of satiety, but also feel thirsty. At this time to drink some strong tea, tea and fatty foods will form emulsion, is conducive to accelerate the discharge into the intestinal tract, so that the stomach is comfortable. Border and other ethnic minorities daily to eat beef and lamb and dairy products, every day, “rather than one day without food, not one day without tea” is the reason. In order to “eliminate fat” and drink tea, tea can be properly brewed thicker, but should drink hot tea, and the amount should not be too much, otherwise it will dilute gastric juices, affecting digestion.
  26. Eat too salty food should drink tea.
    Because eating too salty food will eat too much salt easy to cause blood pressure, especially hypertensive patients, should not eat too salty. Body salt is too high, is not good for health, should drink tea as soon as possible diuretic, discharge salt. Some pickled food also contains a large number of nitrates, after eating nitrates are also easy to eat with other food in the secondary amine reaction to produce nitrosamines, nitrosamines are a carcinogen. Drinking tea, especially high catechin content of high-grade green tea, can inhibit the formation of carcinogens, enhance immune function.
  27. Drink tea after sweating.
    Excessive physical labor, will trigger a lot of sweating, working in a high-temperature, high heat environment, in order to regulate body temperature, will be discharged a lot of sweat, this time to drink tea can quickly replenish the body’s water needs, reduce blood concentration, accelerate the excretion of body wastes, reduce muscle aches and pains, and gradually eliminate fatigue.
  28. Mining workers, doctors for X-ray fluoroscopy, computer workers, long hours watching TV and printing and copying store workers should drink tea.
    Because this type of work will be strong or weak by a certain amount of radiation, and tea contains tea polyphenols have a certain anti-radiation effect, more tea is beneficial to health.
  29. Brain workers and night workers should drink tea.
    Tea contains caffeine, etc., has the effect of refreshing and waking up the brain, so writers, scholars and night brain workers drink tea, is conducive to improving thinking activities, enhance memory, improve work efficiency.
  30. Tea is recommended for lecturing, book-telling and singing.
    Engaged in long hours of voice work, should always drink tea to moisturize the throat, to moisturize the vocal cords, so that the pronunciation of crisp, but also can reduce the congestion and swelling of the throat, to prevent hoarseness, to prevent the occurrence of laryngitis.
  31. Smokers and passive smokers should drink more tea. Translated with (free version)
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