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Medicinal effects of tea polyphenols

Relevant medical research reports confirm that tea polyphenols have the following health care and therapeutic effects:
  1, scavenging reactive oxygen free radicals, blocking lipid peroxidation process, improve the activity of enzymes in the body, thus playing an anti-mutagenic, anti-cancer effect:
  Many medical experiments have proved that tea polyphenols have a strong effect of scavenging harmful free radicals and preventing lipid peroxidation; inducing an increase in metabolic enzyme activity in the body, promoting detoxification of carcinogens; inhibiting and blocking endogenous nitrosation reaction in the body, preventing cancer and gene mutation. Inhibit the covalent binding of carcinogens to cellular DNA, prevent DNA single-strand breaks; improve the cellular immune function of the body.
Research shows that the daily intake of 160mg of tea polyphenols per person that the nitrosation process in the body to produce significant inhibition and blocking effect, intake of 480mg of tea polyphenols inhibitory effect to reach the highest.
  2, prevention and treatment of diseases caused by hyperlipidemia:
  ① Enhance microvascular toughness, lower blood lipids, prevent liver and coronary atherosclerosis;
  Tea polyphenol effect on serum cholesterol is mainly manifested by elevating the content of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) to remove the accumulation of cholesterol on the arterial blood vessel walls, while inhibiting the cellular uptake of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), thus realizing the lowering of blood lipids, preventing and alleviating the atherosclerosis purpose.
  ② Lowering blood pressure:
  One of the functions of the human kidneys is to secrete “angiotensin II” to increase blood pressure and “relaxing kinin” to lower blood pressure to maintain blood pressure balance. When the enzyme activity that promotes the conversion of these two types of substances is too strong, angiotensin II increases and blood pressure rises. Tea polyphenols have a strong inhibitory effect on the activity of the conversion enzyme, and thus can play a role in lowering or stabilizing blood pressure.
  ③ Lowering blood sugar:
  Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of sugar, fat and protein caused by insufficient insulin and excessive blood sugar. Tea polyphenols have a regulatory effect on the human body’s sugar metabolism disorders, lowering blood sugar levels, thus effectively preventing and treating diabetes.
  ④ Prevent stroke:
  One of the causes of stroke is due to the generation of lipid peroxide in the body, which makes the blood vessel wall lose its elasticity. Tea polyphenols have the effect of curbing the generation of lipid peroxide, maintaining the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, making the blood vessel wall relax and eliminating the vasospasm, increasing the effective diameter of blood vessels, and lowering the blood pressure through vasodilatation, which effectively prevents brain stroke.
  ⑤ Antithrombotic:
  The increase of plasma fibrinogen can cause the aggregation of erythrocytes and the increase of blood viscosity, thus promoting the formation of thrombus. In addition, the increase of phospholipids and cholesterol in cell membrane lipids will reduce the deformation ability of red blood cells, seriously affecting the perfusion of microcirculation, increasing blood viscosity, making the blood flow in the capillaries stagnant, exacerbating the aggregation of red blood cells and thrombosis.
  Tea polyphenols on the red blood cell deformation ability to protect and repair, and easy to form a complex with thrombin, preventing fibrinogen into fibrin. In addition, tea polyphenols can effectively inhibit the rise of cholesterol content in plasma and liver, and promote lipid and bile acids out of the body, thus effectively preventing the formation of blood clots. Existing lipid-lowering anti-thrombotic drugs have certain toxic side effects and are not easy to take for a long time. Tea polyphenol is a natural chemical component of tea with lipid-lowering and anti-thrombotic effects, coupled with its own antioxidant properties, making it a new type of functional health food.
  3、Improve the effect of the body’s comprehensive immune ability:
  ① By regulating the amount of immunoglobulin activity, it indirectly realizes the efficacy of improving the comprehensive immunity of human body, anti-rheumatic factor, antibacterial and antiviral:
  Tea polyphenols by increasing the total amount of human immunoglobulin and keep it at a high level, stimulate changes in antibody activity, thereby improving the overall immune ability. It also promotes the body’s self-conditioning function. Tea polyphenols by regulating the amount and activity of immunoglobulins, indirectly realize the inhibition or killing of a variety of pathogens, bacteria and viruses have been confirmed by medical experiments: tea polyphenols can inhibit and kill streptococcus, typhoid fever, whooping cough bacillus, diplococcus pneumoniae, dysentery bacillus, staphylococcus and other bacterial infections; inhibit or reduce the virulence of diphtheria toxin, tetanus toxin; antipolioviral, influenza virus, mumps virus, measles virus, herpes virus, HIV and other injuries to the human body; inhibition of syphilis spirochetes and Candida albicans infestation of people; anti-rheumatoid factor and so on.
  ② Anti-metamorphic reactions and skin allergic reactions;
Tea polyphenols inhibit the allergic reactions caused by active factors such as antibodies, adrenaline, enzymes, etc., and have significant curative effects on asthma and other allergic diseases. Tea polyphenols can strongly inhibit the release of histamine, experiments have proved that tea polyphenols anti-anaphylaxis and anti-skin allergic reactions than the current commonly used anti-allergy drugs inhibit the effect of 2-10 times stronger.
  ③ Soothe gastrointestinal tension, anti-inflammatory anti-diarrhea and diuretic effect;
  Constipation is a common disease of middle-aged and elderly people, mainly caused by slow contraction of intestinal tube muscles and long-term mental tension. Tea polyphenols have the effect of stimulating the gastrointestinal response and accelerating peristalsis to treat constipation.
  Tea polyphenols improve the body’s comprehensive immune system, inhibit and kill various harmful pathogenic bacteria that cause diarrhea, and soothe gastrointestinal tension to achieve anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal effects.
Flavanols in tea polyphenols can stimulate renal vasodilatation, increase renal blood flow, thereby increasing the glomerular filtration rate, so that lactic acid in the urine to get rid of. Lactic acid in human muscles and tissues is a kind of fatigue substance, and the elimination of lactic acid can make the fatigued muscles recover.
  ④ Promote the absorption of Vc and prevent scurvy; improve the absorption of iron in the body and effectively prevent anemia.
  The main cause of scurvy is the lack of vitamin C. Tea polyphenols can promote the absorption of vitamin C, which can effectively prevent and treat scurvy.
  4, other health treatment effects:
  ① Anti-lipid peroxidation, prevention of aging;
  According to the theory of free radicals, the cause of aging is the change of free radical content in tissues, which causes cell function to be damaged, thus accelerating the aging process of the body. Studies have shown that the increase of lipid peroxide in the body is consistent with the aging process of the muscle, and when free radicals in the body are in excess, it shows the gradual aging of the muscle.
  The scavenging effect of tea polyphenols on free radicals enables them to prevent lipid peroxidation in vivo as well as the endogenous components (peroxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase) that make up the lipid peroxidation system of the body’s defense against lipid peroxidation. Tea polyphenols can inhibit lipoxygenase and lipid peroxidation in the skin line three-dimensional, thus playing an anti-aging effect. Studies have shown that the antioxidant properties of tea polyphenols is significantly better than vitamin E, and vitamin C and E have synergistic effects.
  ② Anti-dissolution effect on heavy metal salts and alkaloid poisoning;
  Serious environmental pollution on human health has obvious toxic effects, a variety of heavy metals like hidden in the human body of a killer. It has been proved that excessive lead-induced lead poisoning, will make people reduce immunity and shorten life expectancy; excessive mercury intake, will damage the kidneys and the nervous system, and so on. Experiments have proved that tea polyphenols have a strong adsorption effect on heavy metals, can form complexes with heavy metals and produce precipitation, which is conducive to reducing the toxic effects of heavy metals on the human body. In addition, tea polyphenol also has the effect of improving liver function and diuresis, and thus has a better anti-dissolution effect on alkaloid poisoning.
  ③ Anti-radiation damage, reduce the adverse effects of radiotherapy;
  In the 50’s Japan from the Hiroshima atomic bombing after the disaster victims migrated to the tea area to live and drink a lot of high-quality green tea, not only still survive, but also the fact that the physical fitness of this survey found that tea is a promising radiation detoxification agent.
  Tea polyphenols have excellent anti-radiation function, tea polyphenols can absorb radioactive substances, to stop its diffusion in the human body, known as the natural ultraviolet filter. Tea polyphenols can block UV rays and scavenge UV-induced free radicals, thus protecting the normal function of melanocytes and inhibiting melanin formation. It also produces inhibition of lipid oxidation and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  Due to the harmful rays and radioactive substances caused by natural and man-made factors are becoming more and more serious to human beings, there are more and more cancer patients around us. While killing cancer cells, radiotherapy also kills a large number of benign cells and inhibits the hematopoietic function of bone marrow, resulting in the continuous reduction of white blood cells and platelets, weakening of immunity and other uncomfortable reactions. As an auxiliary treatment, it can effectively maintain the stability of white blood cells, platelets and blood pigment levels; improve the adverse reactions caused by radiotherapy; effectively alleviate the inhibitory effect of rays on the bone marrow cells’ weight gain; and effectively reduce the inhibitory effect of radiotherapy drugs on the immune system of the body.
  ④ The effect of preventing caries and fixing teeth and removing bad breath:
  Tea polyphenolic compounds can kill lactobacilli and other caries bacteria present in the teeth, and have the effect of inhibiting the activity of glucose polymerase, so that glucose can not be polymerized in the bacterial surface, so that the germs can not be in the teeth to bed, so that the process of caries formation is interrupted.
  The protein food left in the teeth becomes the substrate for the proliferation of decay bacteria, and tea polyphenols can kill such bacteria, so it has the effect of removing bad breath.
  ⑤ Digestive aid:
  Tea polyphenols can enhance the peristalsis of the digestive tract, and thus help in the digestion of food, preventing the occurrence of diseases of the digestive organs. In addition, tea polyphenol compounds can be attached to stomach wounds in the form of a film, and play a protective role in ulcer wounds. Tea polyphenols have a unique chemical purifying effect on the stomach, kidneys and liver. Translated with (free version)

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